Luxor 2 HD App Reviews

59 add

Ditch the ads

Fun game, but with two big flaws. One is the lack of choice for a starting level. Expert 1-1 is still real slow and the Challenge of Horus is bloody impossible. The big issue is that, for a paid app, I am bombed with pop up ads for other games in between levels. I paid for the app, not ads. Get rid of them.

Remove Ads,please!

Awesome game,annoying ads!


Excellent game, especially for places where Internet inaccessible.

Just changed my 5 star to a 1

When on earth did you guys sneak ads into this game? I am truly disappointed that mumbo jumbo is stooping to poor ethics. Very poor

Luxor Freezes Up

What do you do when the game freezes up?

Egyptian Power!!!!!!!!!

Love it!!!! I am such a huge Luxor fan! I cant wait until Luxor 3 comes out in HD! Keep it up.

Still love this game!

I have loved Luxor in any form for years and its just as great on my iPad!


U$2.99 (paid app) and ads??? COME ON! I will never gonna buy any app on those ads...


I dont like the ads, but it is minor. Game works pretty well and is fun to play. It does freeze up from time to time but again it is minor.

Im sad

Great game. The $2.99 version still have Ads. I thought thats what you pay to get rid of. Disappointed.

Great game

I love all of the Luxor games. This one is really so different than the others because of the adorable graphics. I cant wait to finish a level to see what the next looks like. There are times when rows of balls will not have the same size balls, the colors change from stage to stage, and more. It is really a great game. Even though it moves slower than my all time favorite "Luxor Evolved", you have to stay on top of it or it will get away from you.


Love the game.

A difference on1-4

They switched "Wallow of the Hippo God", but is way too amazing.


Completely addictive. Cant stop playing!

iPhone 5

Please add iPhone 5 optimization

lose the adds.....

I purposely paid for this game in hopes of it being "add free". Turns out not to be the case..... you get a 1 star review because of the adds for a "paid game"

Worth it

This is my all time favorite game.

Great game...well, some of it.

The game looks good, but the practice mode and survival mode dont work. Im using ipad1 and iOS 8 latest update. When u try to,use them, it crashes the game. Not the first time Ive had problems with mumbo jumbo. Money over quality. I downloaded the game 2 days ago, so its not an old version. Money over quality. Stay away from their stuff

Multitouch need work

I am using an iPad 2 with the latest iOS update. I really like this game, but, the controls need work. When I set the controls to use a tap to release a ball, it will often and repeatedly not release the ball making the timing very bad and frustrating. So, it helped when I changed to releasing the ball when I let up instead of tapping. However, that meant that I needed to switch to using the second find to cycle through the ball colors and now the 2nd touch will often and repeatedly not switch to the next ball color--also frustrating though a little less so than when the tap didnt release the ball. Will give more stars when controls work consistently.

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